CCOO union representation in Spain

The aim of this study is to analyze, with the highest possible disaggregation, the system of union representation in Spain from a dual, unitary and union (CCOO in particular)point of view. At the same time, the study raises to include two sides obviously interrelated: a part of a more “quantitative” (Who, Where, …) and a more “qualitative” (what they do, how they represent, level of commitment, etc.). The study will be based, therefore, in a more descriptive part, making a statistical use of data from union elections, which will be provided by Fundación 1º de Mayo, and a second part focused on answer the questions arisen from the previous thinking process.

Project type: Agreements

Research line: Industrial relations and work organization

Start date: 01/10/2011

Finish date: 01/09/2014

Project status: Finished

Financing: Fundación 1º de Mayo

Responsable researcher: Ramón de Alós-Moner

Team: Oscar Molina Romo, Pere Jódar Martínez, Pere J. Beneyto, Sergi Vidal

Documents and publications:

BENEYTO, Pere J.; ALÓS, Ramon; JÓDAR, Pere; MOLINA, Óscar (2012): “Crisis y legitimidad del sindicalismo”. INGURUAK Revista Vasca de Sociología y Ciencia Política, Núm. 51-52, pp. 61-80.

ALÓS, Ramon et al. (2014): “Análisis de las elecciones sindicales (2003/2012). Participación, Afiliación, Representación”. Colección Documentos de Trabajo, Fundación 1º de Mayo, Núm. 8.

ALÓS, Ramon; BENEYTO, Pere J.; JÓDAR, Pere; MOLINA, Oscar; VIDAL, Sergi (2015): La representación sindical en España. Madrid: Fundación 1º de Mayo .

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