Category Archives: Finished projects

New organizacion of the time: the working time

This research aims to know the evolution of the time of work in the last decades. These changes on working time have among others triggering factors: the crisis of occupation that put an end to “a golden period” of the

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Study of the Catalonian youth region to region

The research aims, by the use of qualitative methods, a comprehensive approach to Catalan youth, taking a perspective very focussed on the territorial base. The concrete objectives of the research can be summarised in the following ones: a) Offering, specially,

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A new organization of time throughout working life

Changes to traditional gender roles and the labour market are forcing a rethink of conventional work-life patterns. Individuals are calling for a better quality of life, while employers require greater flexibility in the workplace. The idea of reorganising time over

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Research on time, beyond its hourly dimension, and of its impact on the city

Start date: 01/02/1999 Finish date: 01/07/1999 Financing: Ajuntament de Barcelona i Consell Econòmic i Social de Barcelona Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez / Teresa Torns Team: Joan Miquel Verd, Ramon de Alos, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Carlos Lozares, Antonio

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