L’Associació Catalana de Sociologia, filial de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, convoca el VI CongrÃ...
This study on the situation of the metallurgical sector in the county of Osona has a double objective: a) the analysis of productive dynamics of the metallurgical sector at the moment. b) the study on tendencies and productive strategies of
Start date: 01/05/2002 Finish date: 01/09/2002 Financing: Diputació de Barcelona Responsable researcher: Andre Lope Peña
The study analyses the local actions aimed at the transition from secondary school to labor market, developed in the municipalities of the Conca d’Ã’dena during the period 2001-2002. Start date: 01/11/2001 Finish date: 01/12/2002 Financing: Diputació de Barcelona. Àrea d’Educació
Start date: 01/10/2000 Finish date: 01/02/2001 Financing: Ajuntament de Rubà Responsable researcher: Tomás GarcÃa González
Start date: 01/09/2000 Finish date: 01/10/2000 Financing: Ajuntament de Santa Oliva Responsable researcher: Tomás GarcÃa
Start date: 01/02/1999 Finish date: 01/03/1999 Financing: Unió Comarcal de CC.OO del Vallès Occidental Responsable researcher: Antonio MartÃn Artiles Team: Pere Jodar, Ramon de Alos-Moner
Project type: Agreements Research line: Local development policies Start date: 01/04/1993 Finish date: 01/10/1993 Project status: Finished Financing: Departament de Treball de la Generalitat de Catalunya Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez, Teresa Torns Documents and publications: Working Paper nº 8, QUIT-UAB, 1997
The purpose of the study is to provide tools to facilitate the revitalization of the social agreement in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. The two axes that guide the research are based on emphasizing the importance of industrial activity in