L’Associació Catalana de Sociologia, filial de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, convoca el VI Congr...
Cuba is promoting a process of transformations called “updating the economic model” that constitute a strategic opportunity in terms of development because they address critical nodes of the economic model, but impose a set of social and labor challenges that
This research project develops a design, implementation, and impact evaluation of those actions related to the Reempresa programme and funded by the Public Employment Service of Catalonia (SOC). Reempresa is a programme driven by two private fundations: Fundación Cecot Innovació
In Catalonia, we can distinguish a formal waste management sector, managed mostly by municipalities and other public administrations, while simultaneously observing a parallel informal waste management sector of “Waste Pickers,” acting both within and outside the formal sector. The primary
The project analyses the impact of youth employment policies, and in particular the active employment policies (AEPs), in the labour trajectories of the most disadvantaged young people, from the point of view of the improvement of its social capital. The
This research project proposes an alternative hypothesis to local development that will be characterized by an economic process taking into account the new social and ecological needs, which have to be considered in the welfare of our communities. These new
The project’s general objectives are to i) survey, ii) analyse and iii) organise a systematic and permanent monitoring of the role which can be played by the social partners and public institutions at the local level in the regulation of
The goal of the thematic network is to analyse together the issue of social exclusion causes, according to the societal employment dynamics. With the help of existing research works, it will test the following previous hypothesis in the participant countries:
Start date: 01/07/2009 Finish date: 01/07/2010 Financing: Ajuntament de Montcada i Reixac Responsable researcher: Tomás García González Team: Catalina Ruz Escobar
Start date: 01/12/2007 Finish date: 01/12/2008 Financing: Institut de Desenvolupament de l’Erm Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope Related webpage:
Start date: 01/05/2007 Finish date: 01/03/2008 Financing: Institut de Desenvolupament de l’Erm – Ajuntament de Manlleu Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope Team: Joan Rodríguez, Laia Castelló Documents and publications: LOPE PEÑA, Andreu; RODRÍGUEZ SOLER, Juan; CASTELLÓ SANTAMARIA, Laia (2009): “De la