Category Archives: Innovation and methodological development

Compared case study on the mutual influence between social capital, social integration and the insertion, stability, promotion and qualification in the employment

The general objective of the project is to analyse the correspondence or mutual influence between, on the one hand, belonging to particular social groups, characterized and identified according to the distribution and/or appropriation of different kinds of Social Capital, and,

Posted in All, Finished projects, Finished projects, Finished projects, General, Innovation and methodological development, Public national R+D calls, Research, Research themes | Comments Off on Compared case study on the mutual influence between social capital, social integration and the insertion, stability, promotion and qualification in the employment

Corporate perceptions of recent graduates competencies

The project involves conducting focus group of the study on “The perception of companies on the skills of new graduates ” . The specific objectives are: – to acquire a deep knowledge of competence profiles leading to an improvement of

Posted in Agreements, All, Finished projects, Finished projects, Finished projects, General, Innovation and methodological development, Research, Research themes | Comments Off on Corporate perceptions of recent graduates competencies