Category Archives: Industrial relations and work organization

Independent workers and industrial relations in Europe. The social dialogue between traditional and innovative forms of collective representation – I-WIRE

The number of independant workers is growing rapidely within the European labour market. Are their specificities adequately addressed in the industrial relations? I-WIRE is a research project that aims at analyzing in a comparative perspective the emergent market-based and association-based

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Relaunching Collective Bargaining Coverage in Outsourced Services – RECOVER

Collective bargaining coverage is an important element of industrial relations systems as it determines the capacity of collective agreements to protect workers. Moreover, it has also been identified as a key institution reducing earnings disparities and limiting labour market dualisation.

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Bargaining and social dialogue in the public sector – BARSOP

The project Bargaining and Social Dialogue at the Public Sector -BARSOP- will address, from a multidisciplinary and multi-level governance perspective, how the economic and financial crisis has transformed industrial relations, social dialogue and wmployment in the public sector in the

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Talking through the crisis: Social dialogue and industrial relations trends in selected EU countries

Social dialogue between government, employers’ and workers’ organizations is a powerful tool for correcting labour market imbalances and promoting jobs-rich economic recovery. During and since the economic and financial crisis which started in 2008, national social dialogue institutions in countries

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