L’Associació Catalana de Sociologia, filial de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, convoca el VI CongrÃ...
Start date: 01/09/1994 Finish date: 01/05/1995 Financing: Conveni marc de col-laboració Insituto di Recerche Economiche e Sociali (IRES)-Camara di Commercio de Milano IRES LOMBARDIA Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope Team: Teresa Torns, Antonio MartÃn , Xavier Coller Documents and publications: MartÃn
Start date: 01/09/1994 Finish date: 01/05/1995 Financing: Conveni marc de col-laboració IRES Responsable researcher: Antonio MartÃn Team: Faustino Miguélez, Immaculada Pastor, Xavier Coller, Andreu Lope, Reyes Varella
The research is focussed on the processes of change in the management of human resources and its repercussions on industrial relations in the banking industry, exploring more throughly the new models of management known as “Human Resources Management”, without forgetting
Start date: 01/04/1994 Finish date: 01/06/1995 Financing: UE-Warwick University Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez
Start date: 01/11/1993 Finish date: 01/04/1994 Financing: Institut Arbeit und Tecknik Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope Team: Antonio MartÃn, Reyes Varella Documents and publications: “Case of Spain” a: Direct Participation: Literature Study, 1996
Start date: 01/05/1993 Finish date: 01/09/1993 Financing: European Foundation for Improvement of Living and Working Conditions Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez Team: Clara Llorens, Núria GarcÃa, Immaculada Pastor Documents and publications: “La posición de los actores sociales ante la participación directa.
The aim of this project is to measure the capacity and the effects of institutions and local actors to interpret and implement the rules’ system in the field of labour market and social policies, in an innovative way. The analysis
Start date: 01/01/1993 Finish date: 01/06/1995 Financing: Industrial Relations Research Unit (IRRU)-University of Warwick Responsable researcher: Antonio MartÃn Team: Immaculada Pastor, Xavier E. Posada Documents and publications: Informe sobre las prácticas de flexibilidad y participación y el papel del centro
L´objecte de l´estudi se centra en la innovació tecnològica i en la influència que exerceix sobre una sèrie d´aspectes que hi estan estretament relacionats; especialment estudia els canvis que, amb la seva implantació, experimenten l´organització del treball, l´estructura i les
The project aims at studying the mechanisms of labour regulation within small-scale firms located in the diffused-economy areas of Tuscany, with particular attention to the specificity of institutional regulation and social negotiation practices at local level, and to the mutual