Category Archives: Industrial relations and work organization

Social dialogue in welfare services. Employment relations, labour market and social actors in the care services – SOWELL

The European labour market in the welfare sector is becoming particularly relevant in terms of occupation, given that around 20% of the European workforce is nowadays employed in this sector, while it was around 15% at the end of the

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Teleworking control during the covid-19

The main purpose of the research was to identify the teleworking control mechanisms implemented by organizations as a result of confinement measures to face with Covid-19 in Spain through the launch of an online survey. The results point out to

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Provision of scheduled and on-request reporting services – Network of Eurofound Correspondents

As the Spanish correspondent of Eurofound, together with ISTAS, QUIT provide inputs that allows Eurofound to map and compare regulations, policies and practices in industrial relations, working conditions, labour markets and employment as well as in other social policy related

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Networked coordination of industrial relations – NETWIR

The analysis of collective bargaining coordination has attracted the attention of scholars and policy-makers since the early 1990s, but has witnessed a renaissance more recently. Originally, ‘coordination’ was presented as a dimension of collective bargaining that was considered an alternative

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European, national and Transnational Industrial Relations: Visible and Invisible Hands in European and National Wage Settings – ENTIRE VIEW

This project, coordinated by Prof. Bernd Brand al the Durham University Business School, is funded by the European Commission to investigate and analyse the reasons for differences in wage developments within the European Union (EU) member states. This project will

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Break up to get back together. The impact of unionisation through innovative service provision on union membership and industrial relations – BREAKBACK

The Project focuses on “service provision” as a strategy through which unions aim to enhance their membership, “revitalize” action and relaunch the role of an inclusive and innovative social dialogue, by reaching groups and individuals who are often excluded from

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Working conditions and collective representation in digital platforms. Future challenges

This study aims to analyze the effects of digital platforms on working conditions and forms of collective representation, both at union and professional level. Start date: 09/03/2019 Finish date: 08/03/2020 Financing: Comissions Obreres de Catalunya Reference: 17324 Principal investigator: Antonio

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Industrial relations in processes of political transition. Comparative Study of models: Argentina, Spain

The aim of this comparative study is to produce a bibliographic approach to labour relations in the transition periods from authoritarian régimes to pluralistic democracies. The Spanish transition and its process of consolidation constitute today a model for numerous countries.

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Meeting the challenges of economic uncertainty and sustainability through employment, industrial relations, social and environmental policies in European countries – GUSTO

The purpose of this project is to explore the various modes of both policies and the systems of governance that are emerging in different parts of Europe to cope with uncertainty while seeking security, and to appraise their relative success.

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Les Regions “Sunshine” o les Regions “Sunreg”. La xarxa “Sunreg”

The main objective of this thematic network is to bring together trade union and universities across Europe to facilitate the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge between universities, research centres, worker’s organisations and other “end users”, in order to achieve

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