Category Archives: Employment and labour market transformations

The labour and social impact of the JJ.OO of Barcelona 1992

Start date: 01/05/1991 Finish date: 01/07/1993 Financing: Associació per al Desenvolupament d’Iniciatives d’Ocupació (ADIPROC) Responsable researcher: Faustino Miguélez Team: Carlos Lozares, Antonio Martín, Albert Recio, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu Lope, Pedro López, Immaculada Pastor, Óscar Rebollo, Marius Domínguez, Xavier Coller. Documents

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Four motor regions, A case study: Catalonia

Project type: Agreements Research line: Employment and labour market transformations Start date: 01/01/1991 Finish date: 01/12/1991 Project status: Finished Financing: Cassa di Risparmio di Lombardia. Convei marc de col-laboració: Istituto di Recerche Economiche e Sociali (IRES) Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope Documents

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Social Networks as Resources and Search Mechanisms for Employment and Social Support in Youth – REDEMAS

The central idea of this project consists in examining the factors that shape job seeking and the access to the labor market among young people. More specifically, in the context of the labor market, economical and social crisis, those factors

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Validation of study to identify the key issues and priorities for research related to the Occupational Safety and Health in Catalonia

Continuation of the project ‘Study using discussion groups to identify the key issues and priorities for research related to the Occupational Safety and Health in Catalonia’ (2012). This project is also commissioned by the General Division of Occupational Safety and

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Economic crisis, employment trajectories and sociopolitical attitudes of young people. The case of the youth of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona

The research studies the effects that the current Spanish economic crisis is having on young people’s visions, attitudes and behaviours vis-à-vis to the labour market and the political system. Concretely, the research tries to see the characteristics of these visions,

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Report evaluating employment policies in Spain (2013-2014)

This report examines the extent and manner in which employment policies are affecting employment in this period. : Start date: 10/09/2014 Finish date: 31/12/2015 Financing: Fundació “la Caixa” Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez Team: Fausto Miguélez, Ramon Alós, Pilar Carrasquer, Andreu

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Self-employed workers. Analysis from the Second Working Conditions Survey of Catalonia (2012)

This project is an agreement with the General Division of Social and Cooperative Economy and Self-Employed Work of the Ministry for Business and Labour from the Government of Catalonia. The aim of this project is to study the relationships between

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The accumulation and use of social capital in young people with instability labour trajectories. Also the Matthew effect? – CAPSINES

The CAPSINES project addresses the process by which young people acquire and use relational social capital in the successive transitions along their trajectories. The project will assess –in a framework in which many young people begin their labour trajectories in

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