Category Archives: Employment and labour market transformations

Migration and the economic crisis. Implications for professional careers

Start date: 01/09/2012 Finish date: 30/06/2014 Financing: Fundació “la Caixa” Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez Team: Ramon de Alós-Moner, Óscar Molina, Antonio Martín, Sara Moreno, Alejandro Godino Coordinador estadístico: Pedro López-Roldán Documents and publications: MIGUÉLEZ, Fausto; LÓPEZ-ROLDÁN, Pedro (coords.) (2014): Crisis,

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Non-Standard Employment in a Comparative Perspective

By now, it is commonly accepted that labor markets in advanced societies are in a process of deep transformation. The general trend seems to be one of increasing flexibility with regard to wages and/or employment contracts. This is most apparent

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Situació i perspectives laborals al barri de La Sauleda-Carrer Ample (Palafrugell). Estudi per a la concreció d’accions ocupacionals

The Law on the Improvement of Neighbourhoods, Urban Spaces and Villas, promoted by the Government and approved by Parliament in May 2004 (Law 2/2004, of 4 June), responds to one of the priorities of the Generalitat de Catalunya, such as

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Satisfying labour demand through migration

This report seeks to answer the question of how and to what extent economic immigration meets the needs of the Spanish labour market that are not covered by domestic supply. Therefore, it is based on the assumption that one of

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Study on the level of labour insertion of ex-prisoners of the prisons of Catalonia

The objective of this research is to study the employability of former inmates of prisons in Catalonia, Spain. Few studies of this type have been carried out in the world and this is the first in Spain. The results show

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Immigration, Employment and Social Cohesion

Start date: 01/04/2009 Project status: Finished Financing: Fundació “la Caixa” Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez Team: Ramon de Alós-Moner, Antonio Martín, Pedro López Roldán, Albert Recio, Sara Moreno, Óscar Molina, Fernando Esteban Documents and publications: ALÓS, Ramon (2012): ” Una aproximación a

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Management of migration flows in Catalonia

This study, commissioned by the Servei d’Ocupació of Catalonia, has the objective of providing a global vision of the migratory flow management in Catalonia as well as identifying its shortages so as to establish corrective mechanisms. Start date: 01/03/2008 Finish

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Delocation and outsourcing in the IT sector and the loss of competences

Start date: 01/09/2007 Finish date: 01/02/2008 Financing: Federación Minerometalúrgica de CCOO Responsable researcher: Ramon de Alós-Moner Team: Pablo López Calle (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Rafael Ibáñez Rojo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Documents and publications: ALÓS-MONER, Ramon; IBAÑÉZ, Rafael; LÓPEZ, Pablo

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Study on the work in prisons of Catalonia and its role in the social reintegration

This study intends to know the incident of work of convicts on its social reintegration. For that purpose we are basing on the following hyphotesis: 1. The time devoted to work as well as the training received will make easier

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Execution of a document on a quality evaluation procedure of the aid services sector.

The City Hall of Manlleu (Barcelona) set in motion the program “SAD Manlleu” (social services) with the scope of improving the quality of life of elder and disabled people by means of aid services. This study arisen from the worry

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