Category Archives: Employment and labour market transformations

The Social Dimension of Entrepreneurship

Startups have emerged as a promising avenue for the creation of jobs and economic growth, empowered by various kinds of support available to entrepreneurs to help them develop their businesses. Nevertheless, success remains confined to a few, and building a

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Work and Life Quality in New and Growing Jobs – WALQING

In order to explore the linkages between ‘new jobs’, conditions of work and employment in these jobs and more or less favourable outcomes for employees’ quality of work and life, WALQING combines data analysis on the chief European data sources,

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Training and employment

The objective of this investigation is to analyze the relationship between training and employment, questioning the affirmation that more training is equivalent to more and better employment. The social representation of training as a strong factor in obtaining a job

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Transformations into work and social welfare

The objective of this study is to analyse some of the most relevant changes that are taking place in our country with regard to work. Start date: 01/12/1990 Finish date: 01/03/1994 Financing: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia-Dirección General de Investigación

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Techonological innovation and changes in labour management

In order to cary out the project we have decided to do an exhaustive compilation of the bibliographical material, documents and statistics published to date. After choosing those aspects which we considered most interesting, we have made a further selection

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Resources, rights and capabilities; in search of social foundations -CAPRIGHT

The promotion of individual and collective capabilities underpins CAPRIGHT’s research on the relations between labour markets, employment and welfare regimes. The important priority is to allow every person, wherever she lives and works, to develop her own future with the

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Dynamics of national employment models-DYNAMO

This comparative research, among several countries of the European Union, analyzes the evolution and the perspectives of different employment models, with the aim to bring to light the convergent and divergent features, and therefore we well be able to determine

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Employee’s resources and social rights in Europe

The RESORE project aims to develop an analysis of the employees resources changes over the last two decades in relation to the social rights linked to them. The hypothesis is that at present we witness an erosion of the rights

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La construction sociale de l’emploi (Bruxelles Conference)

Start date: 01/07/2000 Finish date: 01/05/2001 Financing: Comission of the European Communities- Universitat de Nancy (Groupe de Recherche sur l’Education et l’Emploi (GREE) Responsable researcher: Faustino Miguélez Lobo Team: Joan Miquel Verd

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Youth employment and unofficial economy in Southern Europe

Since the seventies until the nineties, because of the economic and labour changes, the advance of the level of unemployment has been substantial in all Europe. Among the different European countries there is a big difference in the social characteristics

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