L’Associació Catalana de Sociologia, filial de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, convoca el VI CongrÃ...
In order to cary out the project we have decided to do an exhaustive compilation of the bibliographical material, documents and statistics published to date. After choosing those aspects which we considered most interesting, we have made a further selection
The need to cope with new social needs that have emerged as a result of changes in contemporary welfare societies in the past two decades, it seems beyond doubt. Needs that you may question their novelty, but that most experts
The aim of this project is to measure the capacity and the effects of institutions and local actors to interpret and implement the rules’ system in the field of labour market and social policies, in an innovative way. The analysis
The general objective of the project is to analyse the correspondence or mutual influence between, on the one hand, belonging to particular social groups, characterized and identified according to the distribution and/or appropriation of different kinds of Social Capital, and,
This research arises from the spectacular increase of the total economically active population experienced in Spain in the period 1997-2006, rising from 13.2 million to 19.5 million. More than 3 million of this increase is due to immigrant population. So,
The current economic crisis has significnatly increased the number of unemployed persons reaching a four million maximum in the early months of 2010. This increase has triggered a dramatic shift in labour market demand that was satisfied in the expansion
This project analyses the institutional and policy conditions for effectiveness of labour market policies in Portugal and Spain and to provide some policy orientation as to how to improve their positive contribution to the labour market. During the last fifteen
The central idea of this project consists in examining the factors that shape job seeking and the access to the labor market among young people. More specifically, in the context of the labor market, economical and social crisis, those factors
The impact of domestic and care work on women’s working lives, and hence their wages, has received increasing attention by social research. Different acts and regulations regarding the issue of work-life reconciliation have been passed in all European countries, but
Unemployment and precariousness are the features that best describe the Spanish labor market and, they are increasingly affecting different social groups. From a historical perspective, the different crisis taking place in the European Union have hit young people as one