Category Archives: Research

Young people and well-being: analysing social and working factors behind the mental health crisis

The research focuses on the state of mental health and emotional well-being of the young population in Catalonia. There is an increasingly shared conviction that in today’s society, promoting the mental health of young people is an unavoidable priority. The

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Reducing the temporary employment of young workers in Spain and Portugal

In the labour market in Southern Europe, since the 1990s, the effect that the abusive use of temporary employment has had on the insecurity of the young population has been paradigmatic, generating an employment model that is particularly sensitive to

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Personal relationships and social support in the young population in Spain and Portugal. A social capital approach

The young population in southern European countries, including Spain and Portugal, has traditionally had a strong network of personal relationships, based on a high level of sociability and a very important role for the family network. This article uses data

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Good practices in social responsibility for young people’s first work experience

The study, consisting of the compilation of different good practices (benchlearning) at European, national and regional level based on the comparison of evidence through quantitative and qualitative indicators, aims to facilitate the design of future labour integration policies aimed at

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The Empty Office

Telework is one of the most important legacies of the pandemic. Following its massive use dictated by the stay-at-home policies imposed around the world, remote jobs are now more than four times pre-pandemic levels in many of the world’s major

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The digital turn in artistic disciplines has resulted in the progressive professional and academic substitution of analogue instruments for digital ones. And the ways of working in the artistic professions have been transformed. The digital turn constitutes a process of

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The interaction of minimum wages and collective bargaining for low-paid groups

This study aims at analysing the ability and capacity of sectoral collective bargaining in some countries to adapt to ongoing structural changes (digital transformation, green transition and workforce aging) and particularly to the effects of high inflation rates and the

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Developing Collective Bargaining in the Care Sector – DEVCOBA

The project aims to examine the dynamics, mechanisms, and impacts of the development of collective bargaining and representation in the care sector, concentrating in particular on social and health services for elderly people (long-term care services – LTC) and socio-education services for

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Home Care Digital Platforms and Industrial relations – ORIGAMI

The demand of “Personal and Household Services” (PHS) – which covers a broad range of activities that contribute to the well-being of families and individuals at home – has significantly increased and so too has the role of care workers.

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Managing Inflation crisis through Social Dialogue – MAINSOC

After two decades of low inflation levels and wage moderation, Europe faces an unprecedented increase in the cost of living and the risk of stagflation. The inflation shock is eroding employees’ purchasing power, particularly at the bottom of the wage

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