L’Associació Catalana de Sociologia, filial de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, convoca el VI CongrÃ...
The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to understand why, despite the increase of women in the spaces of political representation, political organizations still reproduce an unequal distribution of political power by gender. For this purpose, structuralist theoretical approaches
The aim of this doctoral thesis is to study the probable school-work transition of those who have studied the dual mode in Vocational Training. The research takes as a reference the whole of Spain but focuses on the reality of
Barranco, Oriol; González-Heras, Alejandro & Peligro Moreno, Carles (2023). Situacions i trajectòries laborals de la joventut catalana. In: J. M. Verd (coord.). Enquesta a la Joventut de Catalunya 2022. Volum 1. Col·lecció Estudis, núm. 42. (pp.137-209). Generalitat de Catalunya. Barrientos-Sánchez, Daniel &
Brandl, Bernd; Larsson, Bengt; Lehr, Alex & Molina, Oscar (Eds.) (2022). Employment Relations as Networks: Methods and Theory (1st ed.). Routledge. Molina Romo, Óscar (2022). The role of tripartite social dialogue in facilitating a just transition: Experiences from selected
BOOK CHAPTERS Alós, Ramon & Barranco, Oriol (2021). Los trabajadores y las trabajadoras sin representación en la empresa y el sindicato. In: Solà Monells, Xavier; Esteban Legarreta, Ricardo: La representación laboral en las empresas dispersas y en red. Problemática, disfunciones
Barranco, Oriol; Alós, Ramon & Molina, Óscar (2022). Innovar para representar: trabajadores con dificultades de representación colectiva y estrategias sindicales en España. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 40(1), 115-137. Belvis, Francesc; BolÃbar, Mireia; Benach, Joan & Julià , Mireia (2022). Precarious
This research work – and its researcher – is positioned from a feminist perspective that dialogues with sociology and political science, to explain and interpret the role and position of the State in the face of gender inequalities. From the
Over the last 50 years, the implementation of municipally-run integrated waste management systems in Europe has led to the professionalization of the sector, leaving little room for the informal recycling sector. However, since the last decade, new social groups have
Barranco, Oriol & Molina, Óscar (2021). Continuity and change in trade union frames: Evidence from general strikes in Spain. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 42(4), 1232-1253. Barrientos, Daniel (2021). La FP dual y el fomento del empleo juvenil. Gaceta sindical. Reflexión y debate,36,
Carrasquer, Pilar; RodrÃguez, Joan & Do Amaral Pinto, Mariana (2020). Temps de treball i corresponsabilitat. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i FamÃlies Guardiancich, I., Molina, O. (2020). The Effectiveness of National Social Dialogue Institutions: From Theory