L’Associació Catalana de Sociologia, filial de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, convoca el VI CongrÃ...
The aim of this dissertation is to identify and analyze workers’ Social Capital (SC) in three industry clothing Enclaves located in Central-western Mexico. In doing so, we propose a purely relational approach to which SC is assumed as simultaneously composed
My post doctorate proposal examines expert knowledge in heterogeneous real work settings. Its theoretical perspective comes from contemporary cognitive science, and also from ethnographical and empirical sociology (Myers: 2008, Knorr Cetina: 1999, Bourdieu: 1994, Cicourel: 1990). This integrated model stands
Author: Massó Lago, Matilde Director: Lozares, Carlos; Miguélez, Fausto Date: 30/05/2008
This doctoral thesis examines metal-mechanical labour market in Catalonia from Cambridge Segmentation Approach and focusing on Osona county case, which is a prototypical case of Catalan metal-mechanical labour market at local level. The methodology is pluristrategical with a special qualitative
Author: López Andreu, Martà Director: Lope Peña, Andreu; Verd Pericà s, Joan Miquel Date: 25/10/2011 Link:
The thesis aims to identify and analyze the transformations that the modern industrial society experiences with respect to subjective notions of the centrality of work informers two companies: Spain and Germany. We propose an approach on two levels. On the
Tobacco use is a preventable health problem linked to 25% of deaths before age 65 in developed countries and the principal cause of premature death in these populations. Tobacco is also a substance that produces dependence due to nicotine, comparable
In recent years the issue of quality of mixed methods research has received a considerable attention in the literature. Most of the works published to date have, however, been based on theoretical discussions instead of empirical accounts of how quality
The thesis analyses the transformations in the social and sexual division of labour in Spain, focusing in the household as the unit of analysis, and highlighting the class dimension of such changes. The point of entry into the problematic are
The goal of the PhD is to study the importance of the time as a factor of daily well-being in the context of the western society. More precisely, it proposes to analyze the increasing linking between time, well-being and work.