Category Archives: Doctoral thesis between 2010-2014

The essence of style in fashion: the social class (2010)

Author: Jiménez Gómez, Juan Director: Vicent Borràs Date: 22/09/2010

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The employment, the family and the life-time articulation of high school teachers . A comparison France / Spain (2010)

Author: Jarty, Julie Director: Teresa Torns; N. Le Feuvre Date: 10/12/2010

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Personal networks, associationism and social integration of immigrants: a mixed methods approach (2014)

The overarching research objective of this thesis is to study the social integration process of the Ecuadorean and Moroccan migrant population in Catalonia. It focuses specifically on the role of associative participation in this process, analysing it from a relational

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Relational capital in settlements of the garment industry in Mexico (2014)

The aim of this dissertation is to identify and analyze workers’ Social Capital (SC) in three industry clothing Enclaves located in Central-western Mexico. In doing so, we propose a purely relational approach to which SC is assumed as simultaneously composed

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The metal labour market in Catalonia. An analysis from the Segmentacionist Cambridge Approach for the case of Osona (2011)

This doctoral thesis examines metal-mechanical labour market in Catalonia from Cambridge Segmentation Approach and focusing on Osona county case, which is a prototypical case of Catalan metal-mechanical labour market at local level. The methodology is pluristrategical with a special qualitative

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Trajectòries laborals i individualització de recursos: els efectes socials de la transformació de la relació salarial (2011)

Author: López Andreu, Martí Director: Lope Peña, Andreu; Verd Pericàs, Joan Miquel Date: 25/10/2011 Link:

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