Category Archives: Doctoral thesis between 2010-2014

The everyday management of care. A matter of gender and class (2011)

The objective of this thesis focuses on the study of domestic and care work in Spain from a specific perspective: an analysis of class and gender. The thesis discusses how care is configured between classes and between genders, in other

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Preventative training and immigration in the construction sector (2012)

The aim of this research is to study the health and safety training in the construction sector. In particular, training that is provided to migrant workers, the appropriateness and adequacy of its contents and its effect on working conditions and

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Occupational trajectories of immigrant workers in Spain . Barriers and cuts to his economic integration (2013)

This dissertation aims to study immigrants’ economic integration process into the Spanish labour market. In order to accomplish this goal, their occupational trajectories become the main theoretical and methodology tool. Labour market trajectories are defined from immigrant workers’ occupational mobility

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The occupational trajectories of qualified Romanian immigrants in Barcelona (2013)

The current economic crisis faced by most European countries and the fact that migration represents an inseparable segment of the national economy, are two elements that lead, now more than ever, to a savage competition for attracting highly skilled labor

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The new working class of service sector: A longitudinal analysis 1999-2008 (2013)

This paper attempts to demonstrate, at least in the Spanish case although it is anticipated that the results are generalizable to other developed countries, the existence of a new working-class of services that replaces, in quantitative and qualitative terms, the

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Employment in the care sector in Spain (2013)

The thesis studies the concept of care through perspectives of sociology of work and gender. It aims at analysing the employment in the care sector in order to explain the causes of the care work precariousness in Spain. In other

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Homophily as a way of structuring social relations in Catalonia (2013)

How do we establish the relationships with the people who surround us? Who are those who are part of our network and how have they come to be? What characteristics do we share with them? These simple questions contain a

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The content of the translator jobs. The case of internal translators for translation companies in Barcelona (2010)

Our doctoral thesis is located within the field of translation studies, and also incorporates conceptual elements of the sociology of work and business organisation. It deals with work content and its various components, in internal positions in translation companies. In

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The hidden face of the hypermarket . Consent and labour resistance of the proletarians of a hypermarket (2010)

This PhD thesis analyses proletarians’ labour consent and resistance at a Spanish hypermarket. Concretely, the thesis is a case study about consent, resistance, legitimation and disagreement that proletarians from a hypermarket develop when faced with the hypermarket’s enterprise regime on

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The Frontiers of Social Welfare : a view from the Social State of Law (2010)

This doctoral thesis intends to appraise Venezuela’s model of legal labor protection. The initial construction of the model and its redefinitions in 1990 and in 2008 were analyzed with that purpose.   Author: Richter Duprat, Jacqueline Director: Torns, Teresa;  Recio,

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