Category Archives: Publications


González-Heras, Alejandro; Verd, Joan Miquel & Rodríguez-Soler, Joan (2025). La interacción de la fuerza del lazo y el estatus en las redes de apoyo para el acceso al empleo. Propuesta metodológica y análisis empírico. Revista Hipana para el Análisis de

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Comparative study on the trade union strategies of dockers in the face of technological change processes in the ports of San Antonio (Chile) and Barcelona (Spain) (2024)

Ports have historically been crucial spaces in sustaining the economy, first as neuralgic points within cities and then in global logistic chains. As Braudel (1987) pointed out, they have been a dense and above all complex system, inseparable from unequal

Posted in Doctoral thesis, Doctoral thesis between 2020-2024, General, Publications | Comments Off on Comparative study on the trade union strategies of dockers in the face of technological change processes in the ports of San Antonio (Chile) and Barcelona (Spain) (2024)

Precariousness and public employment in terms of gender. A look at municipal services in Chile (2024)

The thesis analyses the factors that influence the feminisation of job insecurity in Chilean municipal employment. The thesis approaches this question from a theoretical foundation that combines the gender perspective with different theories and approaches to labour precariousness. This theoretical

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Social Mobility: Chile and Spain in Comparative Perspective (2023)

In recent decades, Chile and Spain have undergone processes of development and economic growth, each with different political and governmental approaches. Chile has adopted a neoliberal model characterized by a subsidiary state, while Spain has tended towards a welfare state

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Bolíbar, Mireia & Padrosa, Eva (2024). Salut mental, joventut i desigualtats. Una mirada integral al benestar emocional de la població jove de Catalunya. Col·lecció Aportacions, núm. 67. Generalitat de Catalunya BOOK CHAPTERS Junquera, Álvaro F. (2024). El diseño de

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Di Carlo, Donato & Molina, Óscar (2024). Same but different? The Mediterranean growth regime and public sector wage-setting before and after the sovereign debt crisis. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 30(1), 31-53. Godino, Alejandro & Barrientos, Daniel (2024). Gobernanza

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Direct participation practices and psychosocial risks at work. Empirical characterisation of a controversial relationship (2023)

In both the sociology of work and the public health, there continues to be considerable controversy about the effects of direct participation practices on working conditions. A limited amount of research has addressed this relationship from the perspective of psychosocial

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Barranco, Oriol & Parcerisa, Lluís (2023). Three decades of the framing perspective on social movements: Changing trends and continuities. Discourse Studies, 25(2), 179–194. Di Carlo, Donato, & Molina, Oscar (2023). Same but different? The Mediterranean growth regime and public

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Gender relations in public organizations. Time, work and transformations (2022)

The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to understand why, despite the increase of women in the spaces of political representation, political organizations still reproduce an unequal distribution of political power by gender. For this purpose, structuralist theoretical approaches

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The relationship between training and employment in dual vocational training. Implications for the education-work transition (2022)

The aim of this doctoral thesis is to study the probable school-work transition of those who have studied the dual mode in Vocational Training. The research takes as a reference the whole of Spain but focuses on the reality of

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