Category Archives: Training actions

Summer University 2021. “Gender equality in universities: advances and proposals”

2021 – Pilar Carrasquer Participation of Pilar Carrasquer in the Summer Course 2021 Gender equality in the university: advances and proposals organized by Crue Universidades Españolas and the Universitat Jaume I. In this meeting with the university community and educational institutions, we will discuss the main

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“Reform pension system in the EU and Spain”

2021 – Antonio Martín Artiles Participation of Antonio Martín in the International Seminar The Dispute for Social Security in the World II: The cases of Switzerland, Portugal, Germany and Norway with the master class “Reform of the pension system in

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Cycle of Debates “Conciliation in times of pandemic”

2021 – Sara Moreno Participation of Sara Moreno in the cycle of conferences “Reconciliation in times of pandemic: care work, teleworking and prospects organized by Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya with the conference “Reconciliation, co-responsibility and support and care networks” with the aim of

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Dialogues around the impacts of the ‘new normal’

2020 – Sara Moreno Participation of Sara Moreno in the Webinar Series “Dialogues around the impacts of the ‘new normal’ on society, politics, public policies and people” organized by the ICPS. Specifically, session 4 – The COVID-19 crisis and gender

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“The confined UPEC”

2020 – Sara Moreno Participation of Sara Moreno with the presentation ‘Telework in question’ within of the Conference ‘The UPEC confined’ the virtual version of the meeting of the Universitat Progressista d’Estiu de Catalunya.  View more

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Summer trainning “Save yourself who you can: Care, Conciliation and Telework in times of pandemic”

2020 – Sara Moreno Course organized by the Universidad Pública de Navarra. Sara Moreno participated in the Expert Panel in the session How has COVID-19 influenced the organization of work and care time between and within homes? with the presentation “Gender impact of teleworking and routines of confinement: beyond the obvious“, and in the Debate “When crises come through the door, gender equality jumps out the window“.  View more

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XVI Forum against gender violence.

2020 – Sara Moreno Participation of Sara Moreno in the roundtable “Feminist economies: keys in covid crisis”.  Feminist economics is oriented towards the goal of enhancing the people’s well-being. It questions the vision of classical economic approaches, focusing on everything

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II Congrés Dona i Empresa

2020 – Sara Moreno Organized by PIMEC and with the participation of Dones pel Futur during the days 18, 19 and 20 Of Nov. Sara Moreno participates in the round table on experiences in the session “What is expected of e-working in 21st century?  View more

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XIV Escola de Dones de CCOO de Catalunya

2019 – Pilar Carrasquer Presentation by Pilar Carrasquer “The other side of the glass ceiling: the sticky floor“  View more

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Aula Virtual: Formació bàsica en igualtat d’oportunitats de dones i homes en el treball

2016 – Pilar Carrasquer Formació en línia adreçada principalment a empreses i professionals que vulguin adquirir els coneixements essencials per a dissenyar i implantar mesures d’igualtat d’oportunitats i noves formes d’organització del temps, i ajudar, així, a millorar la qualitat

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