Category Archives: Awareness actions

Round table “Precarious essential work”

2021 – Sara Moreno Participation of Sara Moreno in the roundtable “Precarious work” dedicated to adressing gender inequalities in the workplace and job insecurity for so many women who perform essential for siciety in precarious conditions.   View more

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Cycle of debates: “Why gender inequalities persist”

2021 – Sara Moreno Sara Moreno is the scientific coordinator of the palau macaya debate cycle.   The cycle raises the main topic of debate in relation to the persistence of gender inequalities in the 21st century. The aim is to delve into the

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Talk “Jobs and times. Gender challenges in the scientific environment”

2020 – Pilar Carrasquer Talks of Pilar Carrasquer within of the #FridayTalk organized by the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM)  View more

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Webinar “Mujeres y Trabajo(S): who pays for the kids? Reflexiones informales entre crisis»

2020 – Pilar Carrasquer Participation of Pilar Carrasquer in the webinar “Mujeres y Trabajo(S): who pays for the kids? Reflexiones informales entre crisis» organized by the Associación Madrileña de Sociología  View more

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Debate How will we get out of this? The world of work after the pandemic

2020 – Sara Moreno Participation of Sara Moreno as a speaker in one of the Debates organized by Palau Macaya – Fundació la Caixa.  The COVID-19 pandemic has left many questions unresolved around the world and in our country. From the health

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COVID-19’s impact on women’s employment

2020 – Sara Moreno Participation of Sara Moreno with the conference “Gender impact of Covid-19”. Contextualization and challenges within the Cycle of Debates: COVID-19’s impact on women’s employment, organized by the Xarxa de Dones Directives i Professionals de l’Acció Social (DDiPAS) and La Confederació Empresarial del Tercer Sector Social de

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Webinar “The future of work is today.”

2020 – Òscar Molina The webinar goal to reflect on the evolution of telework and how it will affect companies in the future. The event is organized by with the collaboration of quirónprevención within “Encuentros para la transformación”  View more

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“Impact of COVID on productive and reproductive work for women’s”

2020 – Sara Moreno A critical view of the aftermath of the female market: ERTO, layoffs, teleworking and conciliation, and the unequal distribution within the home of care and domestic care tasks.  Organized by Unidad de Igualdad de la UVic and the

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Barcelona Time Use Week 2020

2020 – Sara Moreno Time Use Week 2020, organized by the Barcelona Time Use Initiative for a Healthy Society, with the collaboration of the Barcelona City Council, the Government of Catalonia, the Barcelona Provincial Council and the Barcelona Metropolitan Area,

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Webinar “work-life balance or just work? Equality and co-responsibility in the third sector in Catalonia»

2020 – Vicent Borràs Participation of Vicent Borràs in the debate organized by the digital media, with the collaboration of Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies. has invited three speakers from different fields to give a broad view of this reality.    The experts try to answer these

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