Category Archives: Knowledge transfer

Participation in a session of the Global Deal Forum 2022 in Madrid

2022 – Óscar Molina The Global Deal Forum is one of the primary global annual events on social dialogue. It will bring together Global Deal partners, including key policy makers. Óscar Molina has participated in the session ” Social dialogue and labour

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Participation in the Time Use Week

2022 – Sara Moreno  Time Use Week – Time and (Ine)qualities is the international meeting in time politics. Held between 24 and 28 October in Barcelona, this ninth edition has been dedicated to promoting good practices and knowledge in the

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Participation in the VI Cumbre Iberoamericana de Agendas Locales de Género

2022 – Sara Moreno  The VI Ibero-American Summit on Local Gender Agendas is convened by the Ibero-American Union of Municipalists and co-organized by the United Nations entity dedicated to promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women – UN Women,

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Moderation of the first conference on the Catalan employment system. Guidance and labor intermediation: current situation and transformations in the digital era

2022 – Óscar Molina Conference organized by the Centre d’Orientació i Emprenedoria de Catalunya (COE-CAT) focused on guidance and labor intermediation, with emphasis on current transformations. The keynote speech focused on the key role of guidance and labor intermediation in

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Expert presentation at the conference “Usos dels temps, 10 objectius per a la negociació col·lectiva”

2022 – Pilar Carrasquer Event organized by the Labor Relations Council took place at the headquarters of the Labor, Economic and Social Council of Catalonia, CTESC, with the triple aim of reflecting on the uses of time in the current context; to present the

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Conference Cures in the community: innovation and transformation from local policies

2022 – Sara Moreno Participation of Sara Moreno in the Conference organized by the Diputació de Barcelona, within the project “Cap a un nou sistema públic de cures en la comunitat” (Towards a new public system of care in the

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Summer University 2021. “Gender equality in universities: advances and proposals”

2021 – Pilar Carrasquer Participation of Pilar Carrasquer in the Summer Course 2021 Gender equality in the university: advances and proposals organized by Crue Universidades Españolas and the Universitat Jaume I. In this meeting with the university community and educational institutions, we will discuss the main

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“Reform pension system in the EU and Spain”

2021 – Antonio Martín Artiles Participation of Antonio Martín in the International Seminar The Dispute for Social Security in the World II: The cases of Switzerland, Portugal, Germany and Norway with the master class “Reform of the pension system in

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Cycle of Debates “Conciliation in times of pandemic”

2021 – Sara Moreno Participation of Sara Moreno in the cycle of conferences “Reconciliation in times of pandemic: care work, teleworking and prospects organized by Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya with the conference “Reconciliation, co-responsibility and support and care networks” with the aim of

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Round table “Precarious essential work”

2021 – Sara Moreno Participation of Sara Moreno in the roundtable “Precarious work” dedicated to adressing gender inequalities in the workplace and job insecurity for so many women who perform essential for siciety in precarious conditions.   View more

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