Category Archives: Home

La incorporació dels homes en els treballs de cura remunerada: oportunitats i riscos

The study, commissioned by the Directorate General for Care, Time Organisation and Work Equity of the Department of Equality and Feminisms of the Generalitat de Catalunya, seeks to improve knowledge of the potential and risks of men entering care-related employment sectors, where women traditionally make up the majority; the ultimate aim is to point out possible lines of action in the design of public policies for the incorporation of men in care work. Continue reading

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This three-volume publication presents the overall results of the Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2022 (EJC22) (Catalonia Youth Survey). It is an official statistic of the Generalitat de Catalunya, of five-year realization, aimed at knowing the situation and needs of young people between 15 and 34 years old living in Catalonia. Continue reading

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Brecha salarial de Género en las Universidades Públicas Españolas: Informe final

The Ministry of Universities, ANECA and CRUE Igualdad have carried out the report Gender Pay Gap in Spanish public universities in the framework of a collaboration agreement.

The report reveals a 10.9% salary gap between men and women in the public university system, aggravated in the salary complements, which show a much larger gap of 16.9%. Continue reading

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Minimum wages in 2023: Annual review

The 2023 annual review of minimum wages was prepared in the context of unprecedented inflation across Europe. While this led to hefty increases in nominal wage rates in many countries, it was in many cases not enough to maintain workers’ purchasing power. Based on developments over the last decade, this report shows that, overall, minimum wage earners in nearly all countries saw their purchasing power rising, the gap between their wages and average wages narrowing, and to some degree growth exceeding labour productivity development. Continue reading

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Que teletrabajen ellos. Aprendizajes de pandemia más allá de las obviedades

“Que teletrabajen ellos” (Let men do teleworking) is a study on behaviour within households during the first months of confinement due to the covid-19 pandemic, carried out by Sara Moreno and Vicent Borràs. Continue reading

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Labour market segmentation: Piloting new empirical and policy analyses

This report sets out to describe what labour market segmentation is and why it is problematic for the labour market and society, as well as disadvantaged groups. It takes a broad view of the term to examine the situation that arises when the divergence in working conditions between different groups of workers is attributable to factors other than differentials in human capital levels. Continue reading

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Changing attitudes towards gender inequality

Jornada de sensibilització, organitzada pel Centre d’Estudis Sociològics QUIT, emmarcada en el projecte IGUALEM de la Iniciativa Comunitària EQUAL, que té per a objectiu la lluita contra les formes de discriminació i desigualtat per raó de gènere que se produeixen en el mercat de treball. Continue reading

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6-8 July, 2016: Annual Conference of the International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation

We have the pleasure to announce that the 37th Annual Conference of the International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation will be held in Barcelona on the 6-8 July. This year’s conference is organized by the Sociological Research Centre on

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New book release “España 2015. Situación social”

This book carried out a thorough longitudinal analysis of the Spanish social situation, especially over the last two decades, a period of inflection that begins in Spain with the political transition, forty years ago . It is the result of

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Third ISA Forum of Sociology

The Third ISA Forum will be convened in Vienna, Austria, 10-14 July 2016 on the theme “The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World.” This theme encourages a forward-orientation in empirical, theoretical, and normative research

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