Bargaining and social dialogue in the public sector – BARSOP

The project Bargaining and Social Dialogue at the Public Sector -BARSOP- will address, from a multidisciplinary and multi-level governance perspective, how the economic and financial crisis has transformed industrial relations, social dialogue and wmployment in the public sector in the European Union and in particular in nine EU Member States: Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands,Slovakia, Czech Republic, Spain, France, and the United Kingdom. The crisis initially affected first of all the financial sector and then the private sector. Subsequently, however, it spilled over to the public sector, in particular in the form of austerity measures, following from decreased tax incomes, increased social expenditure and massive bail-out programmes. These austerity measures have been resulting in declining public sector employment, pressure on wages and working conditions and increased insecurity for public sector employees.

The BARSOP project main objectives are (i) to analyse the changes that have taken place during the crisis in industrial relations, employment and working conditions in the public sector and in particular in the sectors of health care, education and local and regional authorities; (ii) to analyse the responses of national and EU social partners in these sectors to the crisis and their results in terms of quantity and quality of employment; and (iii) to disseminate the results of these analyses among social partners
and policy makers at EU, national and sector level and to stimulate information exchange, social dialogue and collective bargaining aimed at promoting high levels of good quality employment.

Start date: 30/03/2016
Finish date: 28/02/2018
Financing: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion – Social Dialogue (Grant Agreement VS/2016/0107)
Responsable researcher: Oscar Molina
Team: Alejandro Godino

Reports & Publications

Molina Romo, Óscar; Godino, Alejandro (2020). «Industrial relations in deep water : the Spanish public sector during the crisis». A: Working under pressure. Employment, job quality and labour relations in Europe’s public sector since the crisis. 2020. Brussels: ETUI.

Molina Romo, Óscar; Godino, Alejandro (2018). Bargaining for social rights in the public sector : Spain.

Molina Romo, Óscar; Godino, Alejandro (2018). Bargaining and Social Dialogue at the Public Sector (BARSOP). Policy brief for Spain (BARSOP Policy briefs).

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