L’Associació Catalana de Sociologia, filial de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, convoca el VI CongrÃ...
Speaker: Ferran ElÃas Institution: Universitat de València Presentation of his research in which he estimates the effect of the minimum wage for the entire wage distribution of workers, using a new empirical approach that is particularly appropriate for national-level changes
Speaker: Camila Buffarini Institution: Universidad Autònoma de México Her research aims to analyse the convergences and divergences in the current distribution of unpaid care work in Mexico and Argentina, in order to bring together the conceptualisation of the human right
Speaker: Irene Cruz Institution: IERMB The analysis techniques used in the construction of urban vulnerability indices are dominated by dimension reduction strategies, among which principal component analysis (PCA) stands out. Apart from its virtues, such as simplicity and interpretability, PCA
VilaVeïna is a pioneering municipal initiative to address care in small territorial units, in which specialized professional teams, people receiving care and citizens are part of a community network and co-responsible for the collective welfare. It is a project aimed
Speaker: MarÃa Cascales Institution: Universidad de Sevilla Date: 23/05/2023
Speaker: Óscar Molina Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball Presentation of a research report for Eurofound analyzing recent developments and emerging practices in relation to collective bargaining processes and outcomes, mainly
“Que teletrabajen ellos” (Let men do teleworking) is a study on behaviour within households during the first months of confinement due to the covid-19 pandemic, carried out by Sara Moreno and Vicent Borrà s. Continue reading
The objective of the research is to deepen the analysis of the trends of change in the distribution of domestic and care work from a gender perspective. Specifically, the following research question is formulated: What factors facilitate the egalitarian distribution
Speaker: Tania Corsetti Institution: Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) The existence of women who decide not to be mothers in a labor context where the conflict between reproductive work – as a result of the exercise of maternity – and
Barranco, Oriol & Parcerisa, LluÃs (2023). Three decades of the framing perspective on social movements: Changing trends and continuities. Discourse Studies, 25(2), 179–194. Cussel, Mattea; Raigal Aran, Judith & Barranco, Oriol. (2023). Academics in the semi-periphery: Translation and linguistic