L’Associació Catalana de Sociologia, filial de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, convoca el VI CongrÃ...
Equip / Personal docent i investigador Daniel de Gracia Palomera
BolÃbar, Mireia & Padrosa, Eva (2024). Salut mental, joventut i desigualtats. Una mirada integral al benestar emocional de la població jove de Catalunya. Col·lecció Aportacions, núm. 67. Generalitat de Catalunya Molina, Óscar; Caprile, Maria; Arasanz, Juan; Sanz de Miguel,
Abalde, Nazaret; López-Roldán, Pedro & Massó, Matilde (2024). Financialisation of everyday life: exploring socio economic behaviour in Southern European Countries. Empiria. Revista de metodologÃa de ciencias sociales, (61), 41–67. Basov, Nikita; Muntanyola-Saura, Dafne; Méndez, Sergi & Nenko, Oleksandra (2024).
The study, commissioned by the Directorate General for Care, Time Organisation and Work Equity of the Department of Equality and Feminisms of the Generalitat de Catalunya, seeks to improve knowledge of the potential and risks of men entering care-related employment sectors, where women traditionally make up the majority; the ultimate aim is to point out possible lines of action in the design of public policies for the incorporation of men in care work. Continue reading
This three-volume publication presents the overall results of the Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2022 (EJC22) (Catalonia Youth Survey). It is an official statistic of the Generalitat de Catalunya, of five-year realization, aimed at knowing the situation and needs of young people between 15 and 34 years old living in Catalonia. Continue reading
Speaker: Tiago Vieira Institution: European University Institute (Florencia) Last decade’s technological advancements have introduced a major transformation in the world of work: the inception of algorithmic management. While workplace monitoring and assessment through performance metrics are not new, algorithmic management
Speaker: Vicent Borrà s & Joan RodrÃguez Soler Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball The study, commissioned by the Direcció General de Cures, Organització del Temps i Equitat en els Treballs, of
The Ministry of Universities, ANECA and CRUE Igualdad have carried out the report Gender Pay Gap in Spanish public universities in the framework of a collaboration agreement.
The report reveals a 10.9% salary gap between men and women in the public university system, aggravated in the salary complements, which show a much larger gap of 16.9%. Continue reading
In both the sociology of work and the public health, there continues to be considerable controversy about the effects of direct participation practices on working conditions. A limited amount of research has addressed this relationship from the perspective of psychosocial
Tribute to Fausto Miguélez Lobo, professor of sociology and founder and director of QUIT until his retirement, which took place on 26 May 2023 in the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the UAB. The