L’Associació Catalana de Sociologia, filial de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, convoca el VI CongrÃ...
Speaker:  Núria Alcaraz Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball The objective of this research is to know the effects of the degree of institutionalization of political organizations on the gender relations established in
Speaker:  Òscar Molina Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball The analysis of collective bargaining coordination has attracted the attention of scholars and policy-makers since the early 1990s, but has witnessed a renaissance more
Speaker: Tania RodrÃguez Institution: Universidad de Buenos Aires Date: 10/03/2020
Equipo / Personal docente e investigador Blanca Valdivia
In the labour market in Southern Europe, since the 1990s, the effect that the abusive use of temporary employment has had on the insecurity of the young population has been paradigmatic, generating an employment model that is particularly sensitive to
The young population in southern European countries, including Spain and Portugal, has traditionally had a strong network of personal relationships, based on a high level of sociability and a very important role for the family network. This article uses data
Ports have historically been crucial spaces in sustaining the economy, first as neuralgic points within cities and then in global logistic chains. As Braudel (1987) pointed out, they have been a dense and above all complex system, inseparable from unequal
The thesis analyses the factors that influence the feminisation of job insecurity in Chilean municipal employment. The thesis approaches this question from a theoretical foundation that combines the gender perspective with different theories and approaches to labour precariousness. This theoretical
In recent decades, Chile and Spain have undergone processes of development and economic growth, each with different political and governmental approaches. Chile has adopted a neoliberal model characterized by a subsidiary state, while Spain has tended towards a welfare state
The study, consisting of the compilation of different good practices (benchlearning) at European, national and regional level based on the comparison of evidence through quantitative and qualitative indicators, aims to facilitate the design of future labour integration policies aimed at