Analysis of the gender regimes of political organizations: a comparison according to the degree of institutionalization

Speaker:  Núria Alcaraz

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball

The objective of this research is to know the effects of the degree of institutionalization of political organizations on the gender relations established in them. The analysis of gender relations in political participation has focused mainly on the lack of interest of women in politics and on how their social position hinders their participation in the public space. However, focusing on the analysis of political organizations, and on how they produce and reproduce gender norms and practices, allows us to go further and understand how gender relations take place in the everyday life of organizations by shaping their gender regimes. Most of the studies have dealt separately with political parties and social movements. The main question of this research lies in questioning whether the degree of institutionalization of political organizations has an effect on the configuration of their gender regimes and their capacity to transform themselves into more equitable organizations. For this, a qualitative strategy is characterized by the time structure generated, the horizontal and vertical segregation of tasks and agencies, and the resistance to change of three representative case studies of the different degrees of institutionalization. At the same time, the intersectional perspective is incorporated to explain how gender regimes have differentiated effects based on the social position of women.

Date: 24/03/2021

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