Analysis of the employment situation of women working in Catalonia in the following fields: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), as entrepreneurs and businesswomen, and in the public sector

This report presents the results of an analysis of the employment situation of women working in Catalonia in three different fields: in the sector of the so-called STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), as entrepreneurs and businesswomen, and in the public sector.
Although it presents the three fields separately, the report shows how the persistence of gender inequalities is their common denominator. A persistence which it should be recalled is not just a characteristic of these three fields, but permeates the whole employment market. It is known this persistence has its roots in a sexual division of work which starts in the family/home. Because it has important consequences for women’s life it affects the whole of society. The occupational segregation of women in the employment market is one of its most obvious expressions, as this report shows.

Start date: 01/02/2008

Finish date: 01/12/2010

Financing: Institut Català de les Dones

Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns

Team: Carolina Recio, Anna Grau

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