Ana Maria González Ramos

Team / Teaching and research academic staff

Ana Maria González Ramos

Adjunct Lecturer

She holds a degree in Sociology from the University of Granada (1994) and a PhD in the Department of Statistics and Operational Research from the Cádiz University (2004). She taught in the University of La Laguna (2002-2007) and the University of Cádiz (1995-2002); she also held senior researcher position at the Interdisciplinary Internet Institute (IN3) of the UOC (2007-2019) and was coordinator of “GENTIC: Gender Relations and Information and Communication Technologies”, consolidated group of the Generalitat (2014-2017).

She is currently Assistant Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is enabled for Titular of University by ANECA, Agregat by the AQU and Contratado Doctor by ANECA.

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departament de Sociologia
Campus UAB- Edifici B
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)

+34 93 581 2405
Curriculum Vitae
Web personal

Areas of specialization

Her lines of research address a broad group of interests from Gender Studies to CTS studies and sociology of the professions.

He has led, and participated, in numerous competitive projects on scientific careers, mobility trajectories, scientific partners, participation of women in the STEM areas, the mutual interaction between gender and ICT, the study of use of time as factor of gender segregation in the labour market and, more recently, an ethical-feminist-responsible use of social networks.

Selected bibliography

González Ramos, A.M. (2019).Feminist standpoint on social media sites and internet practices. Teknokultura. Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales, 16(2): 229-241.

Lamolla, Laura and González Ramos, Ana M. (2019). Mujeres en el sector de las tecnologías. ¿Cuestión de competencias? Revista Española de Sociología, 28 (3, supl. 2): 79-98.

González Ramos, A.M. (2019) Digital Communication Tools for Fostering Career Advancement and Sustaining Interpersonal Relationships. Sociological Research Online

González Ramos, A. M., Conesa Carpintero, E., Pons, O. and Tura, M. (2018) The Spanish Equality Law and the Gender Balance in the Evaluation Committees: An Opportunity for Women’s Promotion in Higher Education. Higher Education Policy.

Conesa Carpintero, Ester and González Ramos, Ana M. (2018) Accelerated Researchers: Psychosocial Risks in Gendered Institutions in Academia. Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01077

Lamolla, Laura and González Ramos, Ana M. (2018). “Tick-tock sounds different for women working in IT areas”, Community, Work & Family, 1-16,

González Ramos, Ana M. (dir.) (2018) Mujeres en la ciencia contemporánea. La aguja y el camello. Barcelona: Icaria.

Revelles-Benavente, Beatriz, and González Ramos, Ana M. (2017) Teaching Gender: Feminist Pedagogy and Responsibility in Times of Political Crisis. London: Routledge (Traducción en español, Editorial Morata, 2019)

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