Adapting to the new times? The emergence of innovative practices in collective bargaining

Speaker: Óscar Molina

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball

Presentation of a research report for Eurofound analyzing recent developments and emerging practices in relation to collective bargaining processes and outcomes, mainly in the private sector.

The report covers collective bargaining systems in ten EU Member States and analyzes the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic and social crisis on the dynamics of collective bargaining and collective agreements. It also examines the practices and innovations that have emerged in response to structural factors such as technological change, decarbonization and climate-neutral policies, and the aging workforce. It also assesses the ability of collective bargaining systems to adapt to structural changes in work, production and the labor market, as well as medium-term trends.

See the research report here.

Date: 21/03/2023

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