Articles publicats en 2020

Antentas, Josep Maria (2020). Coronavirus: notes on crisis, borders and the future of neoliberalism, Geographica Helvetica, 75, 431–436.

Antentas, Josep Maria (2020). Notes on corona crisis and temporality. Dialect Anthropol, 44, 315–318.

Antentas, Josep Maria (2020) Catalonia: the national question and labor’s strategic dilemmas, Labor History, 61:5-6, 621-639.

Barranco, Oriol & Parcerisa, Lluís (2020). Yes, it is possible! Framing processes and social resonance of Spain’s anti-eviction movement. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, Volume 12, Number 1, 1 April 2020, pp. 37-57(21).

López-Andreu, Martí & Verd, Joan Miquel (2020). The Impact of Neoliberal Policies During the Great Recession on Youth Transition Regimes in Spain and the UK. Critical Sociology, 46(6), 835–850.

Lozares, Carlos; Verd, Joan Miquel & Muntanyola-Saura, Dafne (2020). Análisis e interpretación de entornos situacionales mediante el Análisis Reticular del Discurso. Athenea Digital, 20(2), e2239.

Martín Artiles, Antonio; Lope, Andreu; Barrientos, Daniel; Moles, Benjamí & Carrasquer, Pilar (2020). The rhetoric of Europeanisation of dual vocational education and training in Spain. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 26(1), 73–90.

Molina, Óscar (2020). Regulating platform economies: Dilemmas, problems and divergence | La regolazione dell’economia delle piattaforme: Dilemmi, problemi e divergenze. Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, 15(1), 77–100.

Moreno-Colom, Sara; Trinidad, Albert; Alcaraz, Núria & Borràs Català, Vicent (2020). Neither studying nor working: free time as a solution?, Journal of Youth Studies,

Sánchez-Mira, Núria (2020). Work–family arrangements and the crisis in Spain: Balkanizedgender contracts? Gender, Work & Organization, 27: 944–970.ANCHEZ-MIRA961

Sánchez-Mira, Núria & Muntanyola Saura, Dafne (2020) Attachment parenting among middle-class couples in Spain: gendered principles and labor divisions, Journal of Family Studies,

Sánchez-Mira, Núria; Serrano Olivares, Raquel & Carrasquer Oto, Pilar (2020). What slips through the cracks: The distance between regulations and practices shaping the gender pay gap. Economic and Industrial Democracy.

Šćepanović, Vera & Martín Artiles, Antonio (2020). Editorial. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 26(1), 3–5.

Šćepanović, Vera & Martín Artiles, Antonio (2020). Dual training in Europe: a policy fad or a policy turn? Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 26(1), 15–26.

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