A qualitative approach to sexual harassment in the world of work

The aim of the study is to make a qualitative approach to sexual and gender-based harassment in the workplace in order to learn about the perceptions, experiences and socially shared imaginaries that are part of this phenomenon.

The starting point is the evidence that sexual harassment in the workplace is a relatively normal practice and the aim is to find its causes.

Specifically, the aim is to analyze the sociocultural background that acts as a context and support for the existence and persistence of sexual and gender-based harassment beyond its quantification. In this sense, the specific objectives are to identify, describe and explain the social factors that make the phenomenon possible, as well as the elements of change and continuity that have occurred in recent years.

Start date: 20/04/2021
End date: 30/11/2021
Funding: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies
Reference: Exp. BE-2021-2444
Principal investigator: Sara Moreno
Research team: Vicent Borràs


Moreno, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent; Jiménez Celemín, Carmen; [et al.]. L’assetjament sexual i per raó de sexe al món laboral : una aproximació qualitativa. 2021. https://ddd.uab.cat/record/258462

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