Sustainable, social, and local development with employment generation

This research project proposes an alternative hypothesis to local development that will be characterized by an economic process taking into account the new social and ecological needs, which have to be considered in the welfare of our communities. These new needs will create, at the same time, employment qualified as “good employment”. According to the hypothesis the required condition of this development is the presence of the administration, the companies and the community.
The research plan is to verify this hypothesis in some cities inside a big metropolitan area with these concrete objectives:
a) to analyse the discourses and attitudes of social agents in order to detect to which extent the alternative is present or not in the community,
b) to study the whole process of local development with special attention to the proposed objectives and programms and to the involvement of the community,
c) to take in consideration particularly some current policies related to the fields we have called new social and ecological needs,
d) to detect strong and weak features, obstacles and opportunities which appear in the process, from the point of view of the appointed alternative.

Start date: 01/12/2005

Finish date: 01/12/2008


Responsable researcher: Fausto Miguélez

Team: Antonio Martín, Carlos Lozares, Teresa Torns, Andreu Lope, Ramon de Alòs-Moner, Pilar Carrasquer, Pedro, López, Vicent Borràs, Joan Miquel Verd, Joel Martí, Tomás García

Documents and publications:

MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio ; CARRASQUER i OTO, Pilar ; RODRÍGUEZ SOLER, Joan ; MOLINA ROMO, Óscar (2010): “Governança local i política d’innovació”. Revista Catalana de Sociologia, Núm. 25, pp. 7-26.

MARTÍN ARTILES, Antonio; MOLINA, Óscar; CARRASQUER, Pilar; RODRÍGUEZ SOLER, Juan (2010): “El actor social en las políticas de desarrollo local y de innovación tecnológica”. Sociología del Trabajo, nº 68, pp. 51-80.

TORNS, Teresa; CASTELLÓ, Laia; RECIO, Carolina (2009): “El desarrollo local y el bienestar de la ciudadanía: ¿una relación necesaria?”. Revista Internacional de Organizaciones (RIO), Nº 3, pp. 111-129.

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