Techonological innovation and changes in labour management

In order to cary out the project we have decided to do an exhaustive compilation of the bibliographical material, documents and statistics published to date. After choosing those aspects which we considered most interesting, we have made a further selection -after debate- of the ones that allow us to create a theoretical framework around the themes of our area of interest: relationship between technological innovation and changes in the labour management.

Start date: 01/10/1990

Finish date: 01/10/1991

Financing: CIRIT (Comissió Interdepartamental de Recerca i Innovació Tecnològica)

Responsable researcher: Andreu Lope

Team: Adela Ros Hijar


Lope Peña, Andreu; Martin, Antonio; Torns, Teresa; Coller, Xavier (1994): Innovació tecnològica : ocupació, gestió de la mà d’obra i canvis organitzatius a les empreses. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill

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