Dynamics of national employment models-DYNAMO

This comparative research, among several countries of the European Union, analyzes the evolution and the perspectives of different employment models, with the aim to bring to light the convergent and divergent features, and therefore we well be able to determine if we go towards an European model different from an USA model. Moreover, the research should allows us to know the role that this employment model is playing in the construction of the new social model of the European Union.

Start date: 01/08/2004

Finish date: 01/07/2007

Financing: European Commission (VI FP)- (CIT2-CT-2004-508521)

Responsable researcher: Coordinador projecte: Steffen Lehndorff (Institut Arbeit und Technik); equip QUIT: Fausto Miguélez, Albert Recio

Team: Josep Banyuls, Raul Lorente, Andreu Lope, Antonio Martín, Teresa Torns, Ramon de Alos-Moner

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