Les Regions “Sunshine” o les Regions “Sunreg”. La xarxa “Sunreg”

The main objective of this thematic network is to bring together trade union and universities across Europe to facilitate the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge between universities, research centres, worker’s organisations and other “end users”, in order to achieve interaction and linkage between employment and technology.
The content of the project includes:
1. Analysing the socio-economic impact of a number of key technological developments in three crucial sectors of employment (in a major manufacturer; a significant financial concern and a local government authority) in each of the four regions covered.
2. Utilising technology assessments methods to explore effects of such technologies on different users.
3. Developing research circles among relevant sectors and participants.
4. Critical analysis of SUNREG partner organisation.

Start date: 01/03/1996

Finish date: 01/03/1998

Financing: Commission of the European Communities- DG XII; Contract SOE1CT-96-1012

Responsable researcher: Coordinador projecte: J. Willians, equip QUIT: Antonio Martín Artiles

Team: Andreu Lope

Documents and publications:

Sunshine Regions or Sunreg Regions?. The Sunreg network

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