New professions for the social organization of everyday care

The need to cope with new social needs that have emerged as a result of changes in contemporary welfare societies in the past two decades, it seems beyond doubt. Needs that you may question their novelty, but that most experts do not hesitate to relate to demographic changes, changes in the family and the denominated incorporation of women into the labor market. Transformations that have led to the so-called “care crisis” and to the emergence of social needs, new or not, that need to be addressed differently. In this respect, the diagnoses performed until today on the volume and characteristics of those needs, both in Spain and Europe, often come up with solutions that come mostly in the ambit of social policy and this leads these solutions to hardly be seen from the approach of policies to promote employment and economic activity. Therefore is forgotten that the employment that can and should be generated around the so- called social organization of care, can create jobs and promote greater social equity, because it affects completly to the daily welfare of the citizenry. A welfare that, today, is a responsibility of women in the family, but in the immediate future, because of the urgency of the situation, should be covered by public or community services, as has been done with education or health.
The main objective of this project is to explore the real possibilities of creation of new professional profiles able to meet all social needs related mainly to the attention and care of people in their everyday lives.

Start date: 01/12/2011
Finish date: 28/02/2014
Funding: Instituto de la Mujer
Responsable researcher: Teresa Torns
Team: Vicent Borràs, Sara Moreno, Carolina Recio

Documents and publications:
Torns, Teresa; Borràs, Vicent; Moreno, Sara; Recio, Carolina (2014): Nuevas profesiones para la organización social del cuidado cotidiano. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad – Instituto de la Mujer

MORENO-COLOM, Sara; RECIO CÁCERES, Carolina; BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent; TORNS MARTÍN, Teresa (2016): “Significados e imaginarios de los cuidados de larga duración en España. Una aproximación cualitativa desde los discursos de cuidadoras”. Papeles del CEIC, vol. 2016/1, nº 145 . []

RECIO CÁCERES, Carolina; MORENO-COLOM, Sara; BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent; TORNS, Teresa (2015): “La profesionalización del sector de los cuidados”. Zerbitzuan: revista de servicios sociales, Núm. 60 (Diciembre 2015), 179-193. [] .

MORENO-COLOM, Sara; RECIO CÁCERES, Carolina; TORNS MARTÍN, Teresa; BORRÀS CATALÀ, Vicent (2016): “Long-term care in Spain: Difficulties in professionalizing services”. Women & Aging, DOI: 10.1080/08952841.2015.1125699 .

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