Bargaining for social rights at sectoral level – BARSORIS

The project BARSORIS aims to conduct a comparative study of social partners experiences with improving the social rights of precarious/vulnerable workers through collective bargaining and social dialogue in seven EU countries: Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain and the United Kingdom. In each of these countries, the challenges faced by the social partners in improving the quality of work through collective bargaining and social dialogue will be analysed by experienced researchers. Also, the overall experiences of social partners in using collective bargaining and social dialogue to deal with the social rights of non-regular workers and the actions adopted to assure them decent working conditions will be reviewed. Moreover, four specifically instructive cases for the sectors: industrial cleaning, hospital and health care, construction, and temporary agency work, will be presented in detail in the reports.

Start date: 01/12/2013

Finish date: 30/11/2014

Financing: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (Agreement number – VS/2013/0403)

Financing reference: Agreement number – VS/2013/0403

Responsable researcher: Óscar Molina

Team: Joan Rodríguez Soler, Alejandro Godino Pons

Documents and publications: MOLINA, Oscar; GODINO, Alejandro, RODRÍGUEZ-SOLER, Joan (2014):Bargaining for social rights at sectoral level. BARSORIS country report on Spain

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