Associate Professor
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departament de Sociologia
Campus UAB- Edifici B
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)
Despatx: B1/175
+34 93 581 4457
Curriculum Vitae
Web personal
Selected bibliography
Barranco, O., Lozares, C., & Muntanyola-Saura, D. (2019). Heterophily in social groups formation: a social network analysis. Quality and Quantity, 53(2), 599–619.
Barranco, O., & Molina, O. (2019). Continuity and change in trade union frames: Evidence from general strikes in Spain. Economic and Industrial Democracy.
Verd, J. M., Barranco, O., & BolÃbar, M. (2019). Youth unemployment and employment trajectories in Spain during the Great Recession: what are the determinants? Journal for Labour Market Research, 53(1).
Muntanyola-Saura, D., Barranco, O., & Vacchiano, M. (2019). Inequality beyond networking: Personal networks and mobilization of contacts by young job seekers in Barcelona. Revista Espanola de Sociologia, 28(2), 207–226.
BolÃbar, M., Verd, J. M., & Barranco, O. (2019). The Downward Spiral of Youth Unemployment: An Approach Considering Social Networks and Family Background. Work, Employment and Society, 33(3), 401–421.
Barranco, O., Lozares, C., & Moreno, S. (2017). The work process setting and situational contexts based on socially distributed cognition: an interactive, cognitive and social proposal of analysis. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 47(4), 481–501.
Molina, O., & Barranco, O. (2016). Trade union strategies to enhance strike effectiveness in Italy and Spain. Transfer, 22(3), 383–399.