Active employment policies as an indirect source of social capital among young people with precarious insertion trajectories.

Speakers: Joan Miquel Verd & Joan Rodríguez Soler

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball

The insertion of young people in the labour market is a constant in the European policy and research agendas. The recent economic and health crises have only increased the concern about the labour insertion of this group. Active employment policies have been one of the instruments used to improve the employment situation of young people. However, the orientation of these policies has been called into question due to the limited effectiveness that they have often shown. The longitudinal perspective adopted in the article makes it possible to deepen the understanding of the role that active employment policies may have in the unstable employment trajectories of young people. The results highlight a limited capacity of these policies in order to modify youth labour market trajectories and the low perception that this young people have of them as corrective or improvement instruments of their trajectories.

Date: 22/02/2022

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